Dawson Mossman
ultra marathon runner

Depuis combien de temps un athlète pour nous : 2022
Travail dans la vie de tous les jours : CTO (Chief Technology Officer) for Product Development at Deloitte Canada
Région de naissance : : I was born in Goose Bay, Labrador; moved around a lot growing up; and have now lived in Fredericton, New Brunswick for 20+ years.
Deux choses qui te passionnent : Exploring new places (especially new cultures, environments and the mountains) and people’s ability to push beyond their expectations.
Ton expérience de plein air la plus mémorable :There are so many! Spending 3 months climbing and trekking in Nepal is near the top of my list! Finishing my first 100 miler (the Bear). Fastpacking an unknown route on the South Shore of Newfoundland. Several close encounters with grizzlies while trekking out West. Petting a moose in Baxter State Park … it’s so hard to pick just one!
Ta meilleur excuse pour manquer une journée d’entrainement : No excuses – I love any adventure outside and always try to make it happen.
Qu’est-ce qui est au top de ta bucket list : : I’d love to do the Great Himalayan Trail someday