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Nicolas Vouillamoz

Outstanding climber


ASM Athlete since : Approx. 2011-2012

What is your day to day job : Routesetter and director of he coaching program at Bloc Shop

Region/Hometown : Born at Lille nord pas de calais, France

Two things that fascinate you : Climbing for sure!

Your most memorable outdoor experience : A trip alone at Valle Encantado in Argentina. À dream like location but hard to reach gave me the chance to meet an extraordinary photograph, Alain Denis. The result of this trip was magical routes and high-class pictures. 

Best excuse for skipping training / miss an outdoor excursion : When it is rock season, that’s my first priority!

Favorite product from SCARPA : Instinct VS

What is on top of your bucket list : Climbing Boulders and routes in South Africa

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